Life Baker Online School

Your all-in-one educational hub from Primary to SS3. Perfect for students and parents alike aiming for academic excellence. Download today and jumpstart your learning journey!”

Contact Info

Life Baker Bus stop, Ijoko-Agbado Rd, Near Sango, Ogun State.

[email protected]

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About Us

Discover Life Baker Online School – your all-in-one educational hub from Primary to SS3

About Us

In the heartland of Ijoko, Ogun State, where the rhythmic pulse of education thrums, the story of Life-Baker Group of Schools started unfolding. Our journey began in 2006 as Life Private School, a beacon of hope in a world overcast with educational manipulators. We made our mark by offering Total Quality Education with Integrity, and it was from this humble daycare centre that our vision of a brighter future took shape.

Our school, like a well-tended seed, began to grow, transforming into a haven of learning and a sanctuary for nurturing young minds. But the story didn’t stop there. The world was shifting, and with it, the landscape of education. As the decade turned, we found ourselves staring at an unexpected turning point – the onset of a global pandemic, COVID-19.

With schools closing their doors and traditional classrooms becoming an echo of the past, we stood at the precipice of the future, looking out over a horizon tinged with uncertainty. But in our hearts, we knew it was not an end but a beginning. We saw a challenge that needed to be overcome and an opportunity to embrace change, to evolve.

We understood that education was not confined within four walls, and learning was not bound by time and place. And so, we rose to the occasion and embarked on a bold journey of transformation. We ventured into the digital realm, building an online platform that would become our new home and beacon – the Life Baker Online School.

Our transition to an online learning platform was not a deviation from our roots but an extension of our commitment to providing quality education. We continued to uphold our values of diversity, moral responsibility, and character strength, even as our classrooms transitioned from physical to virtual.

Life Baker Online School is more than just an educational platform; it’s a testament to our resilience, adaptability, and unwavering commitment to nurturing the learners of today into the leaders of tomorrow. Our mission remains unaltered: to foster a lifelong love for learning, understanding, and service.

Today, as a recognised and endorsed entity by the Ogun State government, the West African Examinations Council (WAEC), the National Examinations Council of Nigeria (NECO), the National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB), and Cambridge International Examinations UK, we stand proud and strong.

We have embraced the winds of change and sailed into the future, transforming challenges into opportunities, and affirming our place as a pillar of educational excellence.

From the physical classroom to the virtual world, from Life Baker Group of Schools to the Life Baker Online School, we carry forward our legacy and commitment to Total Quality Education with Integrity.

This is our story, the story of a school that dared to dream, adapt, and overcome. A school that continues to shape minds and touch lives, one learner at a time. Welcome to Life Baker Online School. Welcome to our journey of transformation, resilience, and unwavering commitment to educational excellence.

We invite you to become a part of our story, a story that is still being written, one page at a time. Come, learn, grow and be a part of our ever-evolving educational odyssey.


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Data Analysis

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How It Works?

Everything you need on creating a business process.

Collect Ideas

Nulla vitae elit libero pharetra augue dapibus.

Data Analysis

Vivamus sagittis lacus augue laoreet vel.

Magic Touch

Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet.
Why Choose Us?

A few reasons why our valued customers choose us.

Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel.

Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel.

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Meet the Team

Save your time and money by choosing our professional team.

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Get In Touch

Got any questions? Don't hesitate to get in touch.


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